Finding the Peace of Surrender
Surrender is a place of release and trust. It’s the place where faith is born. Coming to that place of surrender is not necessarily an easy journey to make, and yet much healing and great rewards can be found in that space.
Surrender doesn’t mean you don’t care or that you’re not worried. It means that you’ve chosen to focus your power and intent on a higher consciousness and trust that Creator has your back and will birth an outcome that is for the highest, greatest good.
Think of the time you spend worrying about things. We can truly ‘what if’ ourselves into a knotted ball of stress and agony which doesn’t exactly assist in making a positive outcome. And if an outcome is less than desired, we’ve exhausted ourselves through worry and it is more difficult to cope with the situation entirely.
The truth is, we only have control over our emotions, our actions, and our reactions. We can add our energy and intention into manifesting wonderful miracles, but we cannot control the outcome for others, nor their actions. This does not render us powerless. It beckons to us to take a different tact and to rise above the pain into a state of surrender.
What weighs on your mind today? What heaviness resides in your heart? Take a moment, no matter how brief a time, to focus your energy on these things. See them within your mind’s eye. Wrap them in a bundle of light and imagine handing them over to Creator. Allow this Higher Consciousness to take them from your grasp. Let go, and let God. Don’t focus on what Creator will do with your burdens or how they will be sorted out. Surrender. Have faith. Trust. As you do so, your vibration will rise and you will see things in a new light and through a different perspective.
Repeat this exercise often. Learning to let go and Surrender is a process. Many of us have been programmed to be control freaks so loosening the reins can feel foreign at first. Like anything else, the more you do it, the easier it will become.
There is peace in surrender. Allow your heart and your soul the gift of this experience. You will be so grateful that you did.